Industry Garage was founded as a passion project because I love designing and fabricating my own parts. I never would've dreamed that it would grow into what it is today!

Since starting Industry Garage, I've managed it part-time while spending 50 hours/week managing my family's well-established collision and service shop in Baltimore, Maryland.   

Largely thanks to YOU, I can proudly say that over the past few years, Industry Garage has grown immensely and could no longer be managed as a part-time side business.

With that being said, after 15 years of working with my family, I recently made the tough decision to resign in order to focus on Industry Garage full time. 

By making this change, I can now accommodate more fabrication than ever with faster turn-around times.  I can also put out more Street Bandito content, coordinate events, attend events, and assist others with their awesome builds. 

I really appreciate your support and just the fact that you're here reading this means the world to me. SO let's get to work! 



Timothy Hicks